“The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing is that it matters EVERY DAY”.

We believe effective schools are organisations where all adults and children are fully committed to a journey of lifelong learning, be that academic, character related or practical – we never stop learning.

At Coleshill Heath School we are dedicated to providing the highest quality ‘learning culture’ for all.  This includes developing the children’s own repertoire of ‘learning skills’ through our RECIPE for Success, to support them in becoming active and independent life-long learners.

The CHS Learning Culture: every child, every day will:

  • feel safe – respected, valued and supported for each other as learners;
  • take risks, recognising mistakes and errors as a learning opportunity;
  • have high expectations of themselves, their peers and the adults who teach them, demonstrated through: learning behaviour, progress in learning, presentation of work;
  • display a 'Can do' mind-set, centred upon the belief that ‘intelligence’ can be developed with practise;
  • work with adults who establish positive working relationships with all children in the class and who model learning and expected behaviour for the children;
  • be treated with #kindness and respect, with encouragement, praise and rewards for all.

School Values - An integral part of our ‘learning culture’ is our children’s character development. Therefore, we have established four school values which underpin our whole school community. These are: #kindness #confidence #honesty #courage. These values are consistently promoted throughout the teaching and learning process at Coleshill Heath School.

Impact - Effective teaching and learning has taken place when a child has reached their full potential. They can apply much of their learning to more complex situations, showing a deeper level of understanding and making good progress. Therefore, our Teaching and Learning Policy outlines the good practice expected of all staff at Coleshill Heath School. However, it is not a definitive or static statement on all aspects of teaching. Instead the policy seeks to encourage a daily professional dialogue amongst teachers and support staff so that honest reflections about the impact of teaching strategies and approaches are constantly evolving to suit the needs of each and every learner.

Quality Mark Schools